Friday, 25 January 2013

Today- Cafe Mocha. (Review Later...)

Today was a fun day. it was my friend Tanya's birthday (I'm gonna start a  blog with her soon..:) ). We went to Cafe Mocha in Def Col. :) Twas cool :)
That's it.
Good night, and Bonne Nuit! :)


I think it's time for me to grow up. *sigh*....

I came across this blog totally by accident today...It was sortof interesting, check it out-


I'm in sucha a BLEGH mood!

Song of the Day 1.2

Addictive song. Somehow I have a tendency to like songs that are a little angry, a little dark....I guess that's what I'm like, so it figures....
"Whattcha lookin' at Punk?"

Friday, 11 January 2013

My Delhi, My Love

Hey guys,

I wrote this in December when I was in Delhi. Initially I'd meant it for my blog, but then I gave it up for m college's bi-annual publication.
Anyway, here it is! :)

Enjoy reading it, and do tell me if you agree/disagree! :D

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Just One of Those Days

Today's a good day.

I think it's cause I got up early. And blow-dried my hair. That must be it. That always helps. When you know your hair looks good, you feel on top of the world, and well, naturally the whole day goes by smoothly. :)

Also, it's been a productive day. I didn't sleep in class. I read a book. I listened. I absorbed. I actually really enjoyed my second class of the day. It was fun.
And the day has been so..shiny...and...nice. I donno...maybe this has happened after so long that I feel it is an anomaly and am making a big deal out of it. Maybe it isn't a big deal.
But you know. It's just one of those days. :D