Friday 29 March 2013

The End is Here

So, today I will watch the season 2 finale of Suits- this god-awesome show about lawyers. Now, I have a lot of friends who've all finished watching the two seasons way before me, and the way theyve built it up, the season finale is supposed to be mind-blowingly-breath-takingly-flame-throwingly awesome (yeah, that last one was my very own creation :P). I just hope it lives up to the hype. Will keep you posted. :) This last one I wanna watch undisturbed, at one go!
Going to the mall to shop now. AND-
Good Friday.

Thursday 28 March 2013


On a Suits watching spree, can't stop!! I meant to savour it and watch it bit by bit, but 2 episodes to go for Season 2 finale and I canNOT stop!! :D gotta go, catya later!

P.S- Donnnaaaaa!!!! ;'(

Sunday 24 March 2013

And it begins!

So....I'm back. Been at home for a week now actually. Exactly 7 days. And I've been meaning to write this post every single day since last Monday. But such is life. And such are my powers of procrastination. :) I surpass myself, really. :)
Anyhowww....It's good to be back! And the mind-numbing TV-watching has already started! In fact, that's all I did the first day I was back. Slept for some 4.5 hours straight, then promptly switched on the telly and saw one movie after another after another....and you get the drift....
The next day, I decided to continue reading Anuja Chauhan's third. I'd read some 40 pages of it when I was here i n February for my parents' anniversary. 'Those Pricey Thakur Girls'....It was nice. I was highly interested at first, but then it started to drag on for too long. There were many instances when I felt it was about to end, but I'd only gotten halfway through. :P Dylan, the male protagonist, as usual is dishy...But I think he's the only part of the book that I really really liked. Some of the characters were just too weird, and the story itself is very long-winding and convoluted. The romance is a very cliched- misunderstanding after misunderstanding, ego-clashes, reconciliation drama. I would expect more out of Chauhan. The female protagonist, Debjani, is quite silly most of the times, and there are times that I don't like what she is doing at all. Her little sister, Eshwari, is quite a pleasing and interesting character actually. Anyway, all in all, I liked the book, but didn't think too much of it. The end, especially, became a little too filmy, and there were random bits that were left loosely untied...:/
Buckle up. Anuja Chauhan! Your fans are waiting for another Zoya-Bittora kind of magic to be created again! :)

Alright, so enough about that. I'll give you a list o movies I've been watching this past week. It won't be exhaustive, but I'll try. I watched Filhaal (the Sushmita Sen-Tabu one). It got uite boring towards the 2nd half. Yeh Tera Ghar Yeh Mera Ghar! :D The Clash of the Titans, The Dark Knight, A Few Good Men and so on and so forth. There were many others, but I can't remember right now. Mind numbing TV watching like I said.

As for the idiot box, these days I've started watching Samantha Who? First couple of times I tried to watch it, I'd missed the beginning of the episode, and saw only a couple of minutes in the middle, and I got bored. But then I started watching it properly, and it's quite nice and funny. :) You gotta love her quirky antics.
Then there's Pretty Little Liars which I tried to watch. I have some seasons on my hard drive, but I randomly watched whatever season they're showing on Zee Cafe right now. Difficult to unnerstand. :P

One Tree Hill. Cause I used to love it back in 2005. But it seems so childish and twisted now.
Californication. Interesting and fun. Not sure what episode they show when, because middle of the week, it seemed like we were in some 2nd/3rd season, but then they started off with the first episode again (at least, what to me seemed like the first episode).
Fabulous Cakes on TLC. 'Nuff said.
Simpsons when I'm randomly channel surfing.
Suits on my hard disk. It's awesome. Two thumbs up :)
Oh yeah. And Gossip Girl. Now I know I'd vowed to myself, that I'd never stoop so low as to actually watch this show, but I was curious. And a girl's gotta pass the time right? So I did watch it. Or try to. Seasons 5&6 are on right now. And I CANNOT, for the life of me, decipher what is going on. :| [I did watch a bit earlier as well, in 2010/11, when I used to come back from college, and there was nothing else on, while I ate my lunch]. Yes, I have crossed over to the dark side, but hey, now at least I can critique it well. :) Another thing I was pondering about- All these shows are so similar!! Practically the same really. Just with diiferent casts. :P
Oh, I also watch Anger Management from time to time.
I came across this interestingly titled show called 'Rude Boy Food' on TLC yesterday and I'm thinking of starting that. I want to undertake some cooking this summer. Hehehe. Will keep you updated.

So right now, I got so bored, that I finally decided to complete this long-pending-blog-post.

More later. Cya.

I did read as well. :P