Tuesday 22 September 2009


this is a poem i wrote back in 2005. thought i;d put it up. no special reason.


Running from the voices in my head,
Voices that tell me not to go deep,
Deep into the forest
But I'll keep running
My life depends on it
And the voices tell me to turn back
But I keep running
Running away from this life of mine
Running from the fears
The emotions
The despair
Running away from my feelings
And the sky
Running till i can run no more
Till i fall down tired
Tired and weary
And decide to end it all.

- 16.10.05
10:59 p.m.


im being forced to go to college tomorrow. stupid. :P. :(

Monday 21 September 2009


hey! so my new found passion is photography. :)...actually, its not really "new found". i mean, i was always into takin pics....but since like, saturday nite...or sunday afternoon i've decided to take cool pics (not mine, i do enuff of tht)...and pursue this 'hobbie' seriously. :). i was actually talked into this by someoneelse. [Thanks, btw! :)]...
so..i'll put up a few pics here...one's dat i think are good enuff, or ones u guys might be interested in seeing. :).

toodle-doo! :D..hehe


Saturday 19 September 2009

I'm back. :)

Hey! so its been a while. a lot actually. my exams just got over...n i have a lOOOOTTTTTOOOOF stuff to do. all those things ive been meanin to do for aGES (some of them date back to the time wen iw as in 10th, i.e. 2005) i'll DEFINATELY do now. n i say this every year.a tleast 3 times. but i reallly doooo mean it this time (like i did the other times..but neway..watver..).
i made a movie today. i mean i put together a bunch of small clips from my trip to Egypt last year (Cairo) put cool effects n stuff. actually, thts all dat really interested me....the effects n transitions n stuff. but i'll make a proepr movie soon. hehe. :) will keep u posted.


  • Paint (like on PROPER canvas, with an easel n stuff...haveta got to south-ex for tht...)
  • Make a Movie
  • Watch all those movies i have just lying arnd..lol
  • Watch less tv! lol
  • hahaha (for the previous one)
  • BLOG more often!!!
  • ok so...im bored now...ill write agin later..got LOTS to tell!...

ciao for now..!

adieus amigos.

:) :D

keep well!


Friday 29 May 2009


oh well...ended up watchin Ugly Betty....cuz got off the net at...4:09 or watver....so NOW i'll watch How I Met Your Mother...:)..in some time...:)..hehe,...

Fridays will Never be the Same Again.....
till the next (awesome) thing comes along!...

p.s- "You see us in the club, we'll be acting real nice"
lissenin to "Give it to Me"- Timbaland, Nelly Furtado & Justin Timberlake....

The beginning of An Era...annnddd....Comix!!!

I just saw Li'l Zizou recently...(to be precise last sunday..that would be...24th May 2009...) and hence, the whole "Comix" [Comics] theme....hehe...and yes i know they are "Graphic Novels"..but u knw...as li'l zizou says in the movie-n they are comics after all!..hehe..:D

Anyway, so that's why i called this First Post "Comix"...:)

yeah..so i really like Art's drawings in the movie...he's really good..wonder who did those illustrations...they reminded me of "Corridor" by Sarnath Banerjee....i have that book..[sorry, correction- Graphic Novel]...and i really like it....and the "illustrations"..so anyway...the ones in Little Zizou reminded me of that.....and in the end he [Art] does publish his graphic novel, so....yeah..anyway....enough about Li'l Zizou...

Oh, speaking of comics...i read in HT City [my fave "NewsPaper"] (and then also saw it in "Mail Today") that Archie is gonna marry Veronica...(!!)..Noooo!!!!...This can't be!!...What will happen to Betty??..i Like Betty!...I mean Veronica is pretty...but I've always liek Betty...:)..anyway..letz see...what happens....trivial issue really, but still...

So Anyway. this is my first post here...and as the title suggests, its the "Beginning of a New Era"...:)..hehe...

So this here space in the cyber world is gonna consist of tid-bits on everything from books, movies, music (,comics!..haha), tv, food, poems, stories, and other random, weird stuff. basically, Everything. ...and Anything.


Ok..so i've been tryna find out where i could buy Art Supplies in New Delhi...i found a few places....will chek them out....one's in South Ex 1, one's in Nai Sarak and one's in Pitampura....if any of you guys know where I could buy Art Supplies from then...kindly tell me..and don't keep the info to urslef.....:)....

if anyone wants to know where these places are (the ones i mentioned above...the exact adress) then tell me....

oh...NewsFlash:- *Mamta Banerjee returned Tata's cheque. (weird..hmm..but...good..i gess)

*Stalin's Tamil Nadus' Deputy CM...(weird name...why wud any1 call himself that..but..well...gess his parents were screwed up?? *questioningly*)

*Indians living in Australia feeling unsafe

ok...i don't get why the MSN India Homepage has to have their "news box" titled "What's Hot"...i mean..it just seems like such a trivial/shallow title....i mean...i could have been something like- "Newsflash"..or.."Latest"..or just "Latest News" or whatever....but "What's Hot"?..i mean, thats just----Stupid!....n silly!!..:P....like they're talkin bout latest fashion trneds or something...and not NEWS....which reminds me...i gotta talk bout newsreaders too...but some other time i guess...This is enough "News" related blogging for now...

oh btw....just found out..Sania just engaged to H'Bad(-based) biz man (bUsiness man....zzz)--dude!..like anyone cares?...she is So Usless!...:P

anyway...i think that's enough for today.....am getting writer's block..can't think of anything else to say....except that i'm gonna go watch How I Met Your Mother now...Season 3...:)...