Monday 20 September 2010

The Voice of the Rain

It's been raining continuously man...there's something bout the rain that makes you wanna do smthn creative. or just not do anything. :) hehe. I remember reading 'The Voice of the Rain' back when I was in 11th I's a nice poem. Different. And I like free verse. Rhyming is hard. Sometimes, when you try to get your poems to rhyme, they end up sounding so stupid!!
Speaking of poems, I finished a poem today that I had started back in Jan/Feb. Actually 'finished' is the wrong word, it's still not complete...I'll post it soon, when it's complete....Considering I cudn't think of anything to write after the first 2 lines when I'd started writing it, it's not half bad. ;) :)..well, i guess you can be the judge of that...:)
Ho hum..what else to say? Can't think of anything right now, more later! :)

How am i EVER gonna be a writer?! *dramatic sigh*
Looks like i can be a actor atleast...:)

oh, there was this other thing I had to mention. saturday night...late night, just as I was about to go to sleep, I heard someone singing and strumming a guitar in a neighbouring house...How cool is that? Like, really...:)..Maybe we can play the guitar together..Dunno who it was, don't even know the house no., but still, its exciting! :)....I mean, it was 1:30 am, n you can hear your enighbour singing...and it's not like the neighbouring house is that close on that side..Anyway, I'm pretty sure it wasn't music playin...:)
More later. :)

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