Monday 28 February 2011

Band Baaja Baraat!! :D :D

I saw a lot of movies this weekend. I got over with some stuff, and to relax I thought I'd watch Band Baaja Baraat, cause that was one movie I've been wanting to watch for a long time. And it was awesome. :D

I mean, it is such a heart warming film. It starts off with my favourite song from the film, Tarkeebein, and you're introduced to the lead pair. They've acted so well, that they pull you into their little 'janakpuri' world.

Ranveer Singh, for a first timer, is brilliant. He might not be very good looking (though I believe he doesn't look too bad in the movie), but he makes 'Bittu' endearing. And he does it with so much conviction. Anushka Sharma (I personally have always liked her, though I thought in her first film, that she looked nice most of the time, but looked really weird, plain and plump from some angles) has given her career's best performance. Ok, so the film might be cliched and predictable when it comes to the whole 'girl falls in love with boy despite her best efforts and boy doesn't reciprocate thus, breaking her heart and then later...well obviously realising his mistake' bit. But it's dealt with in such a fresh, different way, that you don't feel it's soppy or mushy. Their fights are so much fun to watch, that it can't be mushy. :) Even the end is non-corny. :)
And yes, when I'd first heard the 'Ainwayi Ainwayi' song, I though it was average, boring and irrelevant. But now, after watching the film, I just can't get it out of my head, and I'm sure if and when you watch it, you won't be able to either! It starts off with a catchy guitar sequence, and after watching the film, you'll know why! 'Aadha Ishq' is a lovely song (and makes you laugh), and so is 'Mitra'...But the best thing is the title track, and the way it plays throughout the movie, ensures that you don't forget it after the end. Salim-Sulaimaan have done a commendable job yet again.

The real star of this film is the script, the direction, the freshness. The treatment. And Anushka and Ranveer of course. This film has put them both on the map. And here's wishing they work wonders in the future as well. :)
When I'd first seen the promos, and before the release of the film, I didn't have too many hopes from it. And remember thinking, 'Poor Anushka, her 3 film contract with YRF leaves her no choice but to star in a movie with this unknown debutante'. But liitle did I know, this movie would be THE surprise hit of the year. It made me cry in parts, and that's a good thing, cause it shows, atleast the characters made me feel for them. And the best part is when it ends, it leaves you with a smile.

I also saw Do Dooni Chaar on saturday night. Another gem of a film. :) So real, and so funny. Though I'm sure teachers make more than what Rishi Kapoor was making in the movie. But otherwise, yeah, loved it and it was sooo funny!! :D And Neetu Kapoor looked nice and sweet. Rishi looked fat. The kids, the girl and the boy were good. :)


Then I saw a little bit of Guzaarish on tv on sunday. Bleh. Didn't feel too sorry for the protagonist, Mr. Mascerenas...(I don't know if I spelt it right). Terrible overacting by Hritik and Aishwarya (Rai Bacchan as she is known these days), and I couldn't quite fathom why they were talking like that, why they dressed like that, basically why they were like that. :P It was irritating, the way they were talking, and what's with the accent? They're supposed to be Indians living in Goa right? Or maybe they forgot...Colonial hangover...As for their clothes, the only explanation is that they were stuck in the Victorian times maybe. :D

And this film is a copy. Batao. Original film bhi banani nahi aati, and upar se Sanjay Leela Bhansali's "masterpiece" (sarcastic, in case you didn't get it :P) is at best pretentious. At worst, delusional.

And the end was just HILARIOUS. :P what do they think the audience is for crying out loud?!! And, I mean why is Hritiki Roshan's voice breaking even when he's supposedly happy?? He just seems sarcastic all the time. :P Even on his 'last day on earth'. Cheer up dude. Aren't you getting what you wanted??

This film just confuses me. (And the screen paly ia haphhazard as well. Also, seems like a fantasy fairy tale kinda thing for the most part :P what with all the flashbacks)


The King's Speech. Saw it Sunday evening. Loved it. Loved Colin Firth. Was hoping (and kindof knew cause of the Golden Globe awards) he'd win the oscar for Best Actor: Drama. And he did. I'm so happy. :D He truly deserved it. (I haven't seen the other nominations, but he was brilliant) His portrayal of a king with a speech defect, a stammering problem, was very real. And very hard to pull off I'm sure. All in all, a good watch. :D :)

(And No I didn't watch a pirated version the movie. :P ;D )


That'll be all for now. Toodle-doo!! :D :)

Wednesday 16 February 2011

I guess Life still throws surprises at us....

On the 2nd of Jan (I know this is a lil late in coming, but i got busy. *shrugs*) something strange happened. I was coming back after taking my XAT exam (which was pathetic btw), and it was VERY cold that day. But it was warmer in the car, and I felt drowsy. The cars stopped at a red light, and a saw this kid, begging on the street. He was going from car to car, asking for money I presume. He couldn't have been more tha 9-10 years old.
He came nearer, and stopped at this SUV. The driver rolled down the window, and they were talking for quite a while.. I wondered at what was happening. He then started rummaging for something in the back. After a few seconds of anticipation, I found out it was a cookie, a biscuit. He gave the biscuit to the little boy, who said something in return. So the guy, again started rummaging and came up with another cookie, which he gave to the boy. I was pretty surprised by this whole interchange, because from my experience, whenever you give food to the urchins begging on the streets, they throw it away. This boy took the biscuit quiet happily. And on top of that, the boy demanded another biscuit and got one! I would've thought the guy woud've gotten irritated and told the little boy to bugger off.
The light changed, and our cars started to move. As I was passing him, I saw the little boy going up to another girl, his kid sister, and giving the extra biscuit to her. I instantly smiled. I guess I was so touched by this gesture, that I was thinking about it all the way back home. I was surprised at the kindness shown to the boy by the gentleman in the SUV, and I was further surprised by the way the boy was looking out for his sister, and sharing his "loot" (probably the wrong word, let's settle for 'haul') with her.
I guess there are kind, decent human beings in the world still. And you come across them at Traffic signals. :)