Wednesday 16 February 2011

I guess Life still throws surprises at us....

On the 2nd of Jan (I know this is a lil late in coming, but i got busy. *shrugs*) something strange happened. I was coming back after taking my XAT exam (which was pathetic btw), and it was VERY cold that day. But it was warmer in the car, and I felt drowsy. The cars stopped at a red light, and a saw this kid, begging on the street. He was going from car to car, asking for money I presume. He couldn't have been more tha 9-10 years old.
He came nearer, and stopped at this SUV. The driver rolled down the window, and they were talking for quite a while.. I wondered at what was happening. He then started rummaging for something in the back. After a few seconds of anticipation, I found out it was a cookie, a biscuit. He gave the biscuit to the little boy, who said something in return. So the guy, again started rummaging and came up with another cookie, which he gave to the boy. I was pretty surprised by this whole interchange, because from my experience, whenever you give food to the urchins begging on the streets, they throw it away. This boy took the biscuit quiet happily. And on top of that, the boy demanded another biscuit and got one! I would've thought the guy woud've gotten irritated and told the little boy to bugger off.
The light changed, and our cars started to move. As I was passing him, I saw the little boy going up to another girl, his kid sister, and giving the extra biscuit to her. I instantly smiled. I guess I was so touched by this gesture, that I was thinking about it all the way back home. I was surprised at the kindness shown to the boy by the gentleman in the SUV, and I was further surprised by the way the boy was looking out for his sister, and sharing his "loot" (probably the wrong word, let's settle for 'haul') with her.
I guess there are kind, decent human beings in the world still. And you come across them at Traffic signals. :)

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