Saturday 18 June 2011

Last Coupla Days...

Ok, so there are just a few days left before I leave for Calcutta now, and I'm starting to really freak out. I mean, there's just so much I haven't seen and done and experienced in Delhi still, and once I go, I'll be starting a whole new life. I mean, things are gonan change and I was pretty set in my routine here...You know, simple things like when and how you eat, TC shows u just haveto watch before going to bed....I'm gonna miss all that. Sounds silly, i know...people usually miss things like their room, their bed, their friends and family. I'm not saying I won't miss all those things, I'm just saying I'll miss the way I do things around here more...

The thing is, this time that I have right now...this totally free, idyllic carefree time, is never gonna occur again. College is over, (under-grad) and post-grad is yet to start. Now the next two years that await me are gonna be full of assignments, projects, clubs and societies, placements and it'll all go by in a mad rush. And after that, the real work starts. No more late nights, late mornings, no more off days "just because you feel like"...this is actual, serious, hard core work. Work. Wow, you finally become a grown-up. But I would give anything to prolong this time I have before I become a 'grown-up'.

So, what awaits me is 2 years of slogging, and then more slogging once I enter the Corporate World. Right now, is where I wanna be. I don't wanna think about the future. Cause I know, this time I have with me is never coming back. Never again, will I be This Free, and Without Worry. (Not that I don't have my own set of worries right now...worrying about the future, next week, next day) It's fickle, transient. To be held precious and cherished. And not to be wasted, like I've been doing....:/

Well, I guess I don't have any other option but to 'go with it'...

~go with the flow~
(is what I tell a lotta ppl! ;))

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