Wednesday 30 November 2011

Blog about Blogging... class. Discussion on blogs. Thought this was fitting.

There's so much I want to do...
Starting today, my life is going to be different.

Carpe Diem! Sieze the Day! :D heheheh *giggles*

:) :D

I'll be back...

Some new reviews....

I'm going to write a couple of movie reviews soon....Have seen atleast a handful over the past few months, and this space warrants some writing. :P enough slacking off, time for some serious blogging :P (hehehehe) :D
So Long and Thanks for the Fish! :) :D

P.S- Watch this space!

Friday 25 November 2011

Explanazion of ze Pomess

Explanation of the Poem below--->
:P people Die?
And when they Die, you Cry....
And go to the funeral wearing a Tie


Poem in Cab


Monday 21 November 2011

A new day

I have decided to turn over a new leaf....(um..did i use that right?)

a) I started paying attention in class today (so that lasted for one lecture and then.....)
b) I did not fall asleep even once (yay for me! :D)
c) I was generally a very diligent and well-meaning student today :P (yeah right, ok)
d) I am gonna sleep on time
e) I shalt not, and I repeat, shalt not waste time on a devious online platform that goes by the name of 'facebook' :P

Hope this resolution lasts....Infact, I am going to go right now and study for a quiz I have today...
and I will complete all my assignment due for this week, ahead of time, so I ~chill~ afterwards B)

So long and thanks for the fish! :)

Saturday 19 November 2011


it's been sooooooo long!!!! It's like I've gone through fire and come out on the other side. No I'm not being melodramatic...but life has changed a lot since 5 months back when I entered the gates of IIM Calcutta... life then was very different from what it is now. Very Very Different. After walking through the hallowed hallways of IIM Joka (as it is popularly called) my entire perspective has changed...about the people, the place, the institution and what it means to be here....

Hey :)

Hey guys....yet another marketing survey...
need 100 responses, so a lil help would be highly appreciated. :)