Monday 21 November 2011

A new day

I have decided to turn over a new leaf....(um..did i use that right?)

a) I started paying attention in class today (so that lasted for one lecture and then.....)
b) I did not fall asleep even once (yay for me! :D)
c) I was generally a very diligent and well-meaning student today :P (yeah right, ok)
d) I am gonna sleep on time
e) I shalt not, and I repeat, shalt not waste time on a devious online platform that goes by the name of 'facebook' :P

Hope this resolution lasts....Infact, I am going to go right now and study for a quiz I have today...
and I will complete all my assignment due for this week, ahead of time, so I ~chill~ afterwards B)

So long and thanks for the fish! :)

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