Sunday 21 May 2017

What is it?

What is it about the rain? It always makes me want to write, or curl up in a blanket and read, listen to the howl of the rain outside, with maybe a cup of hot coffee or tea fogging up my glasses.

Yes, as you can well imagine, it rained today. Proper thunder-lightning type rain. I was sleeping, the crash-bam-boom of the thunder clouds woke me up. Since then, it's been lovely weather. However, I am quite sad that the weekend is over. I feel so tired. I need to sleep.

I did enjoy this weekend though, I watched a film I'd been meaning to watch and I raced through (or flew through, *nudge nudge wink wink*) Anuja Chauhan's latest chiclit. (That's not a bad word guys, its a legitimate genre). Both made me incredibly sad. La La Land was such a visual and aural treat. And I wanted to bawl my eyes out at the end (obviously didn't, because, people), and I mentioned this to a couple of friends who'd seen it, and they were like "Why?". I guess the regret of What Could've Been, makes me gloomy, reminds me how little things change our lives, and our lives just pass us by. We don't even notice, and there it is behind us, What Could've Been, like an abandoned little puppy dog, staring at us with big morose eyes.
And to top it all, Anuja Chauhan's latest, Baaz, with young, dashing, cocky Ishaan 'Baaz' Faujdaar, of the IAF, dealt such a blow, so suddenly, that I felt blindsided, dumbfounded, hoping against hope, that The End wasn't what it was, that there was More. It started off as a rocky read, I didn't particularly care much for the writing style in this one, but slowly and surely it gripped me, reeled me in and kept me hooked. Fast-paced, with several thrilling sequences, but touching characters, Baaz, was unputdownable a quarter of the way in. Not only was it saucy, like her other books, being set in the midst of the Indo-Pak war, lent it an added touch of 'feels'.

Anyhow, that's all I can write today, just checked that I have fever, and now I can't think of what else I wanted to say. *All Systems -- breaking down*

So long, and thanks for the fish!

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