Sunday 29 August 2010


Today is my sister's birthday. It's also Rakshabandhan. And with great difficulty, an off from college. ( :) )

p.s- thot id posted this on 24th August. Jus saw, it was only saved as a draft. :P

The CAT in the Hat.

Wow. So there's only like 2 months approx. left for CAT 2010. And I can't really bring myself to study. I mean, I keep thinking I'm gonna study, I really have the best of intentions, but somehow those intentions never materialise.
It's like I have this dark cloud hovering over my head perpetually, CAT CAT CAT CAT. But if I really want to crack the CAT, why don't I study for it? Is it my subconcious that's trying to stop me from really trying? Or is it just plain laziness. :[

Procrastination. The Root of All Evil.
Something I read on a billboard in London, in 2005.

Till we meet again...*sigh*...:)

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Memoirs of a Geisha

Watching Memoirs of a Geisha. Should be studying. But actually my SIS is making me watch..:P
its interesting...names r confusing. lol. :)

Tuesday 24 August 2010


Today is my sister's birthday. It's also Rakshabandhan. And with great difficulty, an off from college. ( :) )

Sunday 15 August 2010


I went to DLF Promenade today to watch Despicable Me. It was awesome btw....Incredibly Funny, n Incredibly Cute! :D Anyway, so it was all decked up in celebration of Independence Day.

P.S- Sadly, it was 2-D..but still...incredible fun!! hehe...And that's one incredible too many...:)..hehe

Saturday 14 August 2010


Today, it rained a lot. And i got DRENCHED, when I should'nt have, owing to the fact that i had a fever recently, n still have a cold, + cough. neway, i tried takin these pics when the driver was racing the car thru the rain. oh yeah, abt that....i go for tutions in my car, but there's some 3 minute walk from the classrooms to where the car can be parked. n those 3 minutes were enough to effectively drench me. :)
So, that was my "delhi experience" for today...

Pre- Independence Day Dilemna

Tomorrow's Independence Day. India's 63rd to be exact. And I'm wondering what to do. How to celebrate. I thought of filming an I-Day video, and post it here tomorrow, but I have like, zero ideas. Dunno what to film. I thought I could interview a couple of people, and ask them what Independence Day meant to them. But again, no one who's willing to be filmed so far. And anyway, there's nothing too original about that. *sigh*

What really saddens me though, is that most people my age, just laugh at the idea of "celebrating I-Day". They're like, 'Are you serious?', n YES , I Am!!! Ok, so it's not exactly like I do something very great every year on 15th August, but ATLEAST i want to. Atleast I know it's important to. And that's half the battle already won.

All of us just treat I-Day as an off from school. college, work, whatever. Sadly, this year it falls on a Sunday, n therefore, no luck there. And yes, i have to admit, that's what I always saw it as too. N yes, watching Gandhi on television. I mean, I-day, republic day, Gandhi Jayanti is not the same without Gandhi being aired on TV. N Set Pix/ Sony Pix is taking care of that.

But I-day's MORE than that. What else? It's not ONly about wearin the tri-colours (which I sometimes try doing), watching patriotic movies on television, watching news programmes about india's freedom struggle, issues we're facing, listening to patriotic songs, etc. There's something else that needs to be done. And I'm trying to figure out what it is. We can't ALL change something, express something, do something. But we can atleast make SOME difference during the course of the day.

I'm trying, really trying, to think of something. But alongside, I'm waiting for your ideas.

p.s- watchign DESPICABLE ME tommorow. 'Udaan' wudve been more appropriate, but I guess it's not on in too many places now. n Peeple [Live], i dont wanna watch, I know it's good n everything, but still.

I'll end with an overused quote-
"Be the change you want to see"

Thursday 12 August 2010


Aah! Don't all of us just LOVE falling sick? No, don't get me wrong, I'm not some twisted person who derives pleasure from being unwell, but for a while atleast, isn't it kinda fun? I mean, haven't we all at some point or other, faked..or maybe exaggerated our illnesses in order to bunk school when we were kids?

I just fell really really ill this week, so was thinking about this. So i compiled a whole list of Pros & Cons of falling sick...:)...[that's what you do when you're bored..:D ]

I'll start with the PROS first-

1. You can laze around...yay! :D

2. You get royally pampered, and short of having a butler wait on you hand and foot, all your little whims and fancies are (mostly) taken care of....this is a BIG pro!

3. You can think up of blog entries when there's nothing else to do...*wink, wink!*

4. Um...You get to take an off from school/college! i can't say work, cuz you have limited scope of holidays, and then there are a 100 worrying abt how to get the work done on time....

5. You can watch all the tv you want, read all the books u want to, basically have a blast..:)

6. You can sleep all day if you want, n no one can say anything!!! :D

7. You get Chicken Soup, n what not...:D

Now, for the CONS-

1. Well, there's only SO MUCH lazing around that you can do, and after a point, you start getting bored....and don't forget, ou're sick, so u have your limitations.

2. When you start reading a book, etc....or even watchin tv...people keep coming n telling you to 'GO TO SLEEP' this would be a boon for anyone who loves sleepin more than half tha day, but for the rest of us, seriously, how much can you sleep??...I mean, what if u just CAN NOT fall asleep??!!...*sigh*....

3. If you're REALLY sick, you just sorta lose the will to do anything....:(....

4. Like right now, my cold is on again, n it feels TERRIBLE!!!...and you eyes get all dry and stuff, n u need tissues like ALL-the-freakin-time, n u basically end up sayin things like -"can u please just cut off my nose?" to your mom, out of Sheer Irritation, n Inconvenience.

Anyway, I'll add more later. Gtg now.

p.s- ooh! mom just gave me chicken soup. :)....


Ok, so this is something I wrote on 17/03/2010. Just got a lil late in putting it up. So here goes-

Some people just don't let others be. I mean, they poke their (big fat) noses into everything. They ask incessant questions about things that concern them in no way. At all.
They give their "high" opinion when & where it is neither asked for, nor needed.
They butt into conversations that do not involve them. They crack jokes at other peoples' expense. They derive joy from bringing others down.

Such people are also very hypocritical. They pass judgement on other people, but when it comes to themselves, they have double standards like nobody's business.

They pass comments on others' attire, accent, pronunciation, beliefs, actions, when they themselves are nothing to write home about.

Their opinions are more often than not, based on half-baked information.

Such people never fail to irk me, and I have the deepest loathing for them.