Thursday, 12 August 2010


Aah! Don't all of us just LOVE falling sick? No, don't get me wrong, I'm not some twisted person who derives pleasure from being unwell, but for a while atleast, isn't it kinda fun? I mean, haven't we all at some point or other, faked..or maybe exaggerated our illnesses in order to bunk school when we were kids?

I just fell really really ill this week, so was thinking about this. So i compiled a whole list of Pros & Cons of falling sick...:)...[that's what you do when you're bored..:D ]

I'll start with the PROS first-

1. You can laze around...yay! :D

2. You get royally pampered, and short of having a butler wait on you hand and foot, all your little whims and fancies are (mostly) taken care of....this is a BIG pro!

3. You can think up of blog entries when there's nothing else to do...*wink, wink!*

4. Um...You get to take an off from school/college! i can't say work, cuz you have limited scope of holidays, and then there are a 100 worrying abt how to get the work done on time....

5. You can watch all the tv you want, read all the books u want to, basically have a blast..:)

6. You can sleep all day if you want, n no one can say anything!!! :D

7. You get Chicken Soup, n what not...:D

Now, for the CONS-

1. Well, there's only SO MUCH lazing around that you can do, and after a point, you start getting bored....and don't forget, ou're sick, so u have your limitations.

2. When you start reading a book, etc....or even watchin tv...people keep coming n telling you to 'GO TO SLEEP' this would be a boon for anyone who loves sleepin more than half tha day, but for the rest of us, seriously, how much can you sleep??...I mean, what if u just CAN NOT fall asleep??!!...*sigh*....

3. If you're REALLY sick, you just sorta lose the will to do anything....:(....

4. Like right now, my cold is on again, n it feels TERRIBLE!!!...and you eyes get all dry and stuff, n u need tissues like ALL-the-freakin-time, n u basically end up sayin things like -"can u please just cut off my nose?" to your mom, out of Sheer Irritation, n Inconvenience.

Anyway, I'll add more later. Gtg now.

p.s- ooh! mom just gave me chicken soup. :)....

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