Monday 27 December 2010

Battle for Bittora - Lok Sabha Elections Just Got Sexy!

Battle for Bittora, the latest from Anuja Chauhan, of 'The Zoya Factor' fame (soon to be made into a major motion picture produced by Red Chillies Entertainment Ltd. :D) is everything you expect from her and more. :) I just read it over the weekend, started on the 25th, finished last night, reading like I was racing against time. It's bigger than The Zoya Factor, and in mine (and others') opinion slightly better as well! :D

I couldn't wait till the 14th of Jan (which is when my exams end) to read this book. So i figured, if I finish it fast enough, I could study for my exams properly after that. :D Written in Anuja Chauhan's unmistakeable style, this book was totally worth it.

Ok, so the main protagonist is this spunky, cool, and lots-of-fun Jinni Pande (short for 'Sarojani Pande') who hails from a poltical 'dynasty' so to speak. Now the story really, truly starts when her grandmother, Pushpa Pande (PP) of Pragati Party comes to request her to help with campaigning for the Lok Sabha elections in Pavit Pradesh (It doesn't take a genious to figure out the reference to Uttar Pradesh). Little does she know, Jinni herself has to end up standing for elections at Bittora, their constituency, and that too against her childhood friend "with whom she shares a complicated past" (in the words of the author). Zain Altaf Khan, the smoulderingly sexy and incredibly hot male protagonist is more than what she bargained for.

With beautifully real, inadvertently funny characters, this book was a VERY enjoyable read. It's so Indian. I'd say it was better than Zoya Factor, simply because it's deeper, not all fun and games. It just has much more to talk about, and more to offer. Zoya Factor is just about cricket. Battle for Bittora covers a diaspora of topics ranging from the dirty politcs in India, to social customs, prejudices, all the while keeping the light and breezy feel of a chiclit alive. :D All in all, I loved it. :D  I didn't cry until towards the end. But then I made up for that right at the end of the book. :)

As for the pertinent question, 'Who's better Zain or Nikhil?', I don't think I can answer that. My sister has no such problems though, she's says Zain without batting an eyelid. I like Zain, but I also like Nikhil Khoda. Though, I guess Zain is maybe a little bit cooler? :D Considering Nikhil's just a cricketer after all. Lol. I know this is probably the weirdest, strangest, vaguest answer to a question, but that's seriously the best I can come up with. Maybe it doesn't need to be answered.
Though, I have no such problems with deciding who's better between Zoya and Jinni. I like Jinni better! :D

Ok, now for what all i liked-->
Ammaji (her granmom) is really cute. :D What with the "Life is sort", and "Pleej Sarojini" she's just TOO cute! :D
Her mother is the usual funny, witty, sardonic mother of any Chiclit. :D awesome. Straightforward and just plain sweet. :)
Other memorable characters like "Awaar (Our) Pappu", Munni, Hasina Behenji, Jugatram ji (HILARIOUS, esp. towards the end), "Tawny", Gudia Aunty, Titu, Rumi, Nauzer have been brilliantly thought out and are very funny.

With all the political references that are so witty, this book made me lot of laugh out loud at dozens of places. Philosophical in parts, Speculative in parts, Witty, Funny, Smile-Enducing in others, and just plain FUN in the rest. I loved this book. Anuja Chauhan sure knows how to write her chiclits. :) I want to write books the way she does. I like her style.

I never thought campaining for Lok Sabha elections could be this much fun, but this book has opened my eyes. :) It truly is a passionate fight for the "elecsun."

It's a must read guys. :) And you'll love Zain. N Jinni. :D

This book made me so happy. :)


Friday 24 December 2010

It's Christmas Eve!!!

HEYYYY!! It's Christmas Eve, so let me just start off by sayin I hope all of you have a very merry and warm christmas (what? lol) :) :D. So...

I must say, it is incredibly hard work putting up a christmas tree, espcially if you have to do it all by yourself. (ok so i got the driver to get the tree inside, cause it was kinda heavy..*shrugs* :) ) I'm putting up a pic here, but the quality's not that good as my sister has taken the camera to her friend's wedding. :)

Watchin Die Another Day on Star Movies. Started at 11:05 pm. Hardly watchin actually, blogging and tweeting more like. But am waiting for the song...

I wanna read Battle for Bittora..If i finish it real fast, i can study for XAT later right? Hmmm..lets see.

Speaking of exams, NMAT was pretty sucky...It's ok though cause I'm not serious about going there anyway. Will give CAT again next year, :)

Tweeting is fun.
I'm goin to have coke, to get myself in the festive mood, because apart from putting up the christmas tree, I've done nothing else. There's  no cake, cause my mom n sis aren't here. (ooh DIE ANOTHER DAY-SONG brb)
ok back- My granma shud'nt be doin so much work n i've never known my dad to cook, soo.....N i don;t know how to bake. :) But I'm thinkin of tryng tomorrow. :) :D Will keep you posted. :) Neway so i guess having Coke will make me feel atleast a LIL bit festive. As it is the whole family's not here, so it's kinda dreary..:) But I'm still kinda happy cuz it's christmas tmrw, even though I don't have any gifts to put under the tree...[i'll have to rummage thru the chocolates n candies already in the house liek i did last to last time...(last time I was at Chakrata, so no Christmas tree. Had asked a friend to put one up instead, but she forgot. :P ) n put them there. Stockings bhi nahi mil rahi kahin....] And the missing members are gonna be here tmrw, so it's all good. :) Anyway, so even though this christmas (eve) isn't like what Christmas eve's usually are, am still not altogether disstaisfied. :) Partly cuz my next exam is on the 2nd now, so i have some time. Yay! :D
So, here's to Coke!

Ok watching Roomies now, wanted to see this episode. Later. Bye! :)

I wish for a White Christmas. Lol..Hey, Miracles Happen!! :D

- Love,


I quite like the new Coke ad with Imran. Actually it's not really new anymore, but you get my drift right? I think it's better than the one he did with Kalki.

Bigg Boss Bigg Boss...

Bigg Boss Bigg Boss. Bigg Boss Bigg Boss.

I should've put up a christmas tree by now instead of wasting time on twitter, fb, blogging, etc.

Well, tomorrow's a new day. I'll get the tree inside in the morning. Decorate it when i come back after taking my NMAT exam. :)

Will post pictures.

Ciao. :)

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Turning 21

There was a long list of things I was supposed to do before turning 21. And now my birthday's in a month, and I've hardly progressed.

Actually, the truth is the original list was 'Things to Do Before You Turn 18', my 18th birthday (C'mon, everyone has that milestone) came and went, and the list was re-christened 'Things to do Before You Turn 20' and then '21' last year. Now, in a month's time that milestone will be crossed as well and I'll have nothing to show for it. It's quite sad, how time just seems to be running.

It's like it slowly creeps up, when you think it's still a long way away, and rushes by you with a *whoosh* sound before you even realise what's happened.

It's like a sand glass (an hour glass) that's filling up.
[I like that image, one of my facebook statuses was-
"I can feel the sand slipping through my fingers", in an entirely different context though].

The clock is slowly ticking away, but in this case, it seems to be gaining time. It's scary how quickly time flies. it seems like it was just yesterday that I'd joined college fresh out of school, but somehow it also feels like aeons away. So much has changed, so much has happened. I have changed (hopefully for the better).
A bit Older, and a Bit wiser (that's a good title actually). People have changed. Relationships have changed. (My! That sounds so senti...No, 'deep' is better (and not lame) ..hehe)

Back to the question of how little time I have left. I haven't done so many things yet, and I'm becoming old! Well, not really Old,, 21 is still young. The Prime of Life. (Though some say the Prime of Life is in the 40s now).

I have to do so much, acheive so much, try so much. I hardly ever write. I was gonna paint. I've been thinking of doing a creative writing course from DU for almosta  year now!! (10-11 months..?)

*Sigh* Why must life pass us this way? Why can't we just freeze moments, times, occassions and stay in them, savour them for as long as we want? Sift through these little vignettes instead of sifting through faded memories?
Why don't we have that freedom?

Hey, just got an Idea of what to wish for. A Time-machine kinda thing that lets us freeze time at the junction we want to. Fast fwd the parts that aren't important to us. (I won't say the bad, unpleasant parts because they might be important too, more often than not)

I know what I'm wishing for this Christmas, what about you? :)

*Winter Solstice today?*                                          
                                                                                                                       12:55 am

sitting next to the radiator
It's warm
should sleep
Bye, world. :)

Tuesday 21 December 2010

OFF twitter.

i shud be studyin- get off twitter get oFF twitter!!! grrr....
so random. :)

Brand Wars!

Check this out guys-->

 The Fifth annual Millward Brown Optimor BrandZ Top100 Most Valuable Global Brands ranking released on 28 April 2010. It's interesting, and if you're a business student, you mUst check it out...! :D


P.S- Next Update- Onion Prices! Onion Tweeting gone overboard!!! :D

Monday 20 December 2010

Today- Cafe Mocha. (Review Later...)

Today was a fun day. it was my friend Tanya's birthday (I'm gonna start a  blog with her soon..:) ). We went to Cafe Mocha in Def Col. :) Twas cool :)
That's it.
Good night, and Bonne Nuit! :)

Wednesday 8 December 2010