Wednesday 12 December 2012


How often does it happen that you finish a book, and instead of putting it down, you turn back to the first page and start reading it all over again? Well, it doesn't happen that often, but it just did. So a little back story is required here. I'd bought this book from Bahri Sons (Khan Market) last December, it was black with shiny gold lettering, had Terry Pratchett's name on the cover, so I bought it (I think, though, technically, my sister did, but who cares about the details, right?)....and I read it while my flight to calcutta got delayed, hour after hour, and finally I reached some 8-9 hours later than originally planned, but oh well...delhi fog 'gotta love it, at-the-same-time, can't help but hate it' huh?
So anyway, this book was called Good Omens, and it' written by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Neil Gaiman (which I only noticed recently (written on the cover) is the creator of Sandman) and Terry Pratchett...C'mon, who doesn't know Terry Pratchett? :P Anyway, so this book is supposed to be a comic rendition of the Apocalypse, and it's really quite funny. I wasn't Laughing Out Loud at everything..but there were some times that that did, in fact, transpire. It has these excellent one-liners...and amazing references (half of which I didn't get, I admit) and apart from it being hilariously funny, it's intelligent...and makes you think...
So much so, that at the end of the book, they have these pieces written by the authors on how they went about writing the book, and their thoughts on each other and so on, and it got me really interested to read other brilliant pieces of work by the same writers, So I'm gonna do that...when I head back to cal. I'm gonna make it my mission to try to finish at least 1 book every fortnight. It's not like I have much to do, I just waste time.
Point being, it's a good book. Pick it up. It'll brighten n otherwise dull and gloomy afternoon.
There is this one thing though....
Considering the world's about to end and all that, and I'd completely forgotten about it till a few days back, it's funny how I only finished this book now....Makes you think, it does....Hmmmmm.....

P.S- A lil more abt the book- so that I can at least carry on the pretense of this being a book review-
I liked the writing style. The narrative. And towards the middle, when things really started to pick up, and fall into place (at the same time, yes) that's when it really got interesting to read, and I couldn't put it down.
And another thing, that bit at the end....with the writer's talking and all really inspired me to write (more...ok cut off more, to write at all)...So, this book ended u being special for me. :) It's a fun book.
Here's to more such! [Provided the World doesn't End and all that]
Don't get me wrong, I don't mean no harm :)

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