Saturday 22 February 2014

Threat to my creative freedom

A few days back I suggested to my sister that she start a blog. She used to write in college so I said why don't you continue to do so? Write a blog about your baby. Well, she didn't agree then, citing various reasons from "I write pretty badly" to "there are 1000s of blogs on the same subject out there". Anyway, I decided to leave it at that. But a few days back, my sister pinged me and asked me to pick a title from the two choices she lay in front of me. I asked her why and I had a feeling it might be cause of the idea I had given her a few days previously. I turned out to be right. She was thinking of a blog name. I gave my opinion and said it required some tweaking. When she asked *me* to come up with the right word, I joked that if I could think up good names, I would've done so for my own blog. Huge mistake. She asked me to share the link and I refused but she continued to pester and finally I relented and sent it to her.
When I got back from my sales stint in Chandigarh, I was greeted with a barrage of onslaughts about my blog. Apparently I'm a hypocrite because to her I always said I liked Sonam Kapoor, while on my blog I keep ranting about my hatred of/for her. She also accused me of copying her opinions and passing them of as my own. To which I said these were *my* opinions and she called me delusional. Anyhow, later she told me she made my parents read the dussehra post as well where I called my family "the villain to my plans". I'm hoping her interest in my blog dies down because this can really hamper my creative freedom. :P I will share her blog URL with you guys when she decides to commence it. Till then, wait for my next post- I've been working on it this week! :)


  1. 1. I'm glad you removed the Dynamic Views Template. This one is easier to navigate through.
    2. This reminds me of how one of my worst blogging decisions has been letting my parents know about my blog. They go through the content at times and I get fired for certain words used. Also, anything happens and my mum goes: Now you'll put it up on your blog >_<
    3. I pestered my sister into starting a blog and I feel proud of having pushed her into it. She's not very regular, but I'm happy she posts something or the other every once in a while. You can check it out Walk Into My Web

  2. 1. Yeah, I know, I finally decided to go back to a more user-friendly version, hi-fi-ness aside.
    2. I know, right?! Once, my dad came across this blog *somehow* and reading one of my poems, he thought I was suicidal :D And I've gotten into shit for posting tactless things on the internet before, so I try to keep my family out of it hehe
    3. Thanks, will do! :)
